Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sssshhhh-don't tell anyone...

My husband is a great guy. If you have a great husband, don't you find that you can't often proclaim that in mixed company? It's like you're not allowed to be part of the club if you don't complain about the guy. He's not perfect-remind me to tell you about the chicken incident from last night-but he is a darn good man. And yes, I've told his mom that she did a good job raising him. He does laundry, bathes our oldest daughter (the baby is still too slippery in the water for his comfort), and cleans the bathroom. Ready for this? He does these things without being asked. My aunt would kill me if she heard me praising him for this. She would say, "As well he should!!" Funny thing is, I don't think he would like me bragging about him either. As much as he takes pride in being one of the good ones, he's not exactly sitting around with his buddies telling them how they should be helping their wives in the kitchen because she would appreciate it after having cooked dinner that night. He keeps it very hush hush when it comes to how hands on he is with the kids and other tasks that don't involve a lawn mower. Those same guys are slackjawed though when my husband tells them that I "let" him go on a week long fishing trip while I stayed home with our 6 month old daughter, or "allowed" him to play poker with his buddies. "How'dya pull that one off?" or "Man, you must have caught hell for that." They don't get it. Why can't they all see the circle. He does his fair share in our home/marriage, I don't complain about his hobbies or time he spends alone, nor he mine. I don't complain about his hobbies or time he spends alone, he does his fair share in our home/marriage. Their loss I guess. I'm just glad somebody, somewhere let my husband in on the secret.

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