Friday, October 10, 2008

I'll trade ya Christmas

I was watching my TiVo'd Oprah today (or Aunt Oprah as my daughter and I like to call her) and it was the episode from the other day where she featured ways to save money. A couple of girlfriends were on there and each of them wanted to redo their living rooms, but couldn't afford it because both of their husbands work in housing construction and business is slow. So they traded furniture and redecorated that way. And with that I had my light bulb moment, as Aunto Oprah likes to say. Why couldn't we do this for Christmas? I have a good amount of people on my Christmas list, many of those are kids and small ones at that. I'm always looking to save on the gifts for this time of year. My daughter was born in November and I wanted to rewrap some of her birthday gifts for Christmas the month later after her 1st birthday. She was only one-she would never have known and we all know that one year olds only like the boxes and paper anyway. My husband didn't go for it. So I sent the e-mails to see if I get any takers. Let's trade toys!!

1 comment:

AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

I shouldn't admit this online, but my brother has done that when my neice/nephew were younger. gifts were bought (a ton)... unwrapped, gleefully screamed over. Then they picked one or two to play with right away, and the ones that seemed less excited over - he rewrapped for Christmas or vice versa... it has worked. Sadly... lol... i'd offer to take you up on the trading of toys, but the only ones we have are the pup's... and u know we won't be having kids after we saw how they would turn out