And if you don't like it, I don't care. LOL. I took Corrine with us on Tuesday so that the doctor could pierce her ears. She was so good and only cried when he did the actual piercing. By the time he had all of the stuff cleaned up, she was smiling and happy again. I just think they look adorable on her, and all baby girls for that matter. People get mad though when they don't agree with piercing a baby's ears. "How can you do that to a poor little baby?"-like I'm branding her with a hot iron or something. I'll admit, I did tear up a little when the doctor did it. I don't cry with their shots, but this does make me a little emotional because I am voluntarily having some amount of pain inflicted on them, but it's not torture for crying out loud. My sister thinks I'm terrible for doing it. I kept teasing her when she was pregnant with my niece that I was going to sneak her off to have her ears pierced. Ironically, my sister, who has about 10 holes in one ear, insists it will happen over her dead body. Wouldn't you know it, my niece was born with the smallest earlobes I have ever seen on any living being. An earring wouldn't even fit on her ear. Little booger!
Personally, I love it. I was always all for you taking Caitlin and just doing them, but i don't blame you for not, considering the wrath that you may receive. I would have had your back... at least secretly ;)
Corrine looks adorable...
PS. I think i've been spelling her name with two 'n's this whole time :0
She couldn't be mad at me forever, right?
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