Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wii Fit Giveaway
I was just in Toys R Us last night checking out the Wii Fit, thinking-this would be so nice to have. And what do I see this morning on my favorite bride's blog...a link to a Wii Fit giveaway. It has to be a sign!!! So I'm paying it forward. Check out La Petite Chic's blog to get in on the chance to get your own Wii Fit. And hey, if you win and realize you don't really want it...I know somebody you can give it to as a Christmas gift...and she's been really good this year!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I am raising this girl RIGHT!!

I stayed home with the girls the other day. My Tuesday sitter was home sick, and it was more econimical to take a personal day and stay with them rather than sending them to the regular daycare provider and having to pay for the day. That's fine with me, because I love to have an excuse to have a fun day home with them instead of having to stay home because one of them is sick and we can't do anything. I decided, too, that since I would be home all day, I would get a jump on some laundry that had been piling up. My husband is usually the one who does the laundry-a) he doesn't like how I do it (he's an engineer so his "there's a wrong and right way to do everything" persona extends to all aspects of housework as well-knock your socks off buddy!) and b) I suspect he uses doing laundry as a way to not have to change diapers-but since I was home I wanted to do it. There is a point-wait for it.
I put Sabrina down for her nap a little early so that she would be up in time to go to the doctors. Of course, because we had to be somewhere, she slept longer than she usually does, and I had to wake her up to get ready to go out. Now, she's cranky. I tell her we have to brush her teeth and she begrudgingly goes into the bathroom. She starts whining, "I don't want to do it. I want you to do it." With the previous night's Nanny episode still fresh in my mind, I don't react to the whining and I simply say, "Ok. I'll help you. That's what mommy is here for-to help you...and to do laundry." Well, my girl turns, scowls at me, and says, "NO! Mommies don't do laundry...DADDIES DO!" That's right honey-you keep on insisting on that!
Yes, I pierce their ears!
And if you don't like it, I don't care. LOL. I took Corrine with us on Tuesday so that the doctor could pierce her ears. She was so good and only cried when he did the actual piercing. By the time he had all of the stuff cleaned up, she was smiling and happy again. I just think they look adorable on her, and all baby girls for that matter. People get mad though when they don't agree with piercing a baby's ears. "How can you do that to a poor little baby?"-like I'm branding her with a hot iron or something. I'll admit, I did tear up a little when the doctor did it. I don't cry with their shots, but this does make me a little emotional because I am voluntarily having some amount of pain inflicted on them, but it's not torture for crying out loud. My sister thinks I'm terrible for doing it. I kept teasing her when she was pregnant with my niece that I was going to sneak her off to have her ears pierced. Ironically, my sister, who has about 10 holes in one ear, insists it will happen over her dead body. Wouldn't you know it, my niece was born with the smallest earlobes I have ever seen on any living being. An earring wouldn't even fit on her ear. Little booger!
No shots for the bad girl?
Three year check up time...WOOHOO. So we make the trip to the doctor's on Tuesday for Sabrina's check up. It's looking like my girl is shaping up to be tall and thin-33 inches tall and 31lbs. She was very excited to step on the "big girl scale" and ever so kindly informed me with her extended pointer finger, "No-the docka do it" when I stepped closer to the scale. Well excuse me, little miss! Her "docka" checked her out and said she was just fine and up to date on her shots so we could leave. However, on our way out he remembered she needed her flu shot (apparantly a law in our state that she has to have one if she's in daycare). So back in we go for the shot. Now, I should have said something, and in hind sight, I don't know why I didn't, but the dr. asked me to hold Sabrina down so he could give the shot in her leg. I don't think she needed to be held down-she's like her father and likes the attention and PROOF of medical attention, and I think it just made her more anxious because she started crying and yelling, "NO NO NO". The nurse and I keep telling her, it's ok, you're being such a good girl and she screams, "I want to be a bad girl!!"
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